Grievance Process

Therapy clients have the right to complain about treatment and personnel without recrimination or fear of retaliation.  It is our objective to resolve your concerns with services to the best of our abilities. Reviews of grievances will be conducted to identify trends and make improvements in services and business operations.

The following procedures are used in the event of a client grievance:

  • If you are dissatisfied with services, please discuss it directly with your provider or our Corporate Compliance Officer, Brenda Rohren at (402) 486-1101 or
  • If you are not satisfied with this solution or if you are not comfortable talking directly with your provider and have a complaint related to business practices, you may contact Kolleen Meyer-Krikac (Balanced Life; 402-499-5547), a therapist with whom we have contracted for services. Staff will make an effort to find a reasonable solution to your concern.  (Kolleen signed a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) which means that Kolleen agrees to adhere to confidentiality and is authorized to have contact with our clients and access to their records, as relevant and appropriate.)
  • If you want to file a formal grievance, you will be asked to complete the written Grievance form which you can obtain from your provider or from Kolleen Meyer-Krikac.  (The forms are also located in our waiting room.)  Kolleen will attempt to resolve your grievance and document efforts taken.  She will gather information and make reasonable efforts to satisfy your concerns.  A written response will be provided to you within 10 business days.

Options for External Review.  Behavioral Health Resources, LLC is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The Lincoln, Nebraska office can be reached at 402-436-2345.  (The BBB does not investigate claims related to the quality of health services.)

Our Dual Diagnosis Outpatient Treatment program for adults is also accredited by CARF.  Anyone can register feedback about a provider that is accredited by CARF by calling (866) 510-2273.

If your complaint is not adequately resolved by the methods described above, you can also contact the Credentialing Division of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Refer to the brochure, “A Consumer’s Guide to Mental Health Practice in Nebraska” provided in your orientation packet.  To file a complaint against a licensed professional, contact the complaint intake line at (402) 471-0316 or DHHS, Health Facilities Investigations, 301 Centennial Mall South (P.O. Box 94986-4986), Lincoln NE 68509.

Personnel and Stakeholders also have the right to file a grievance and the process is similar to the grievance process for therapy clients as described above.

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